
Post 101



The American Legion

Buck - Dubiel Post No. 101

Somers, Connecticut

 Welcome to

American Legion Post No. 101 - Somers, Connecticut

Since our charter in 1932, The American Legion Buck-Dubiel Post 101 has been welcoming veterans from all branches of our Armed Forces. Today, we continue to welcome all military personnel serving our country. Joining our Post enables you to continue serving your God, Country, and Community. Our mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams, peace, and blessings for our country, friends, and families embodied in our preamble.



The American Legion Family

Somers, Connecticut

Buck - Dubiel Post No. 101

Auxiliary Unit 101

Sons' Squadron No. 101

Legion Riders' Chapter No. 101


LEGIONNAIRES: It is time to renew your membership for the new 2024 membership year. We have your 2023 American Legion Membership Card, letters from Commander Frank have been prepared and printed.

You may mail your $35 check to: 

The American Legion, Buck - Dubiel Post No. 101, 

Post Office Box 101, Somers, CT 06071-0101, Attn: Membership

or you can renew online: http://legion.org/renew

When we receive your 2024 dues we will get your membership card and commander's letter to you.

If not, please contact the Post Adjutant Larry Skodis at:

LSkodis@MTZEng.com or call (888) 240-8188.

Join or Renew Today!

If dues are not paid prior to January 1st, the member is classified as delinquent. Members still delinquent after February 1st shall be suspended from all privileges and shall have no right to serve as an officer, be elected to office, or vote. 


To the patriotic citizens of Somers and surrounding communities. Support our Post as a Sponsor. 100% of the monies raised are given back to the community. Help us to continue sponsoring Scholarships for our children; give aid and assistance to our local needy Veterans, and their families.

Help us to continue to support community programs and projects. 



The American Legion, Buck - Dubiel Post No. 101

Post Office Box 101, Somers, CT 06071-0101

Still Serving America

89 Years (1932-2021)